path: root/app-portage/epm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app-portage/epm')
5 files changed, 22 insertions, 1030 deletions
diff --git a/app-portage/epm/Manifest b/app-portage/epm/Manifest
index 90a5945..4074f8b 100644
--- a/app-portage/epm/Manifest
+++ b/app-portage/epm/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
-AUX epm 30664 BLAKE2B 72988b0b08616761367b98dc3c698e0d352e2c442d0bcc1c77b2bfcd0009cb06bd27572e93d727babeca5bc353a3e7db43a8d7997e316a9e3b41b434e1d93a11 SHA512 75ae3fb03be9508f357f020310fba1e2d89513782ea57cb39f5a524b8cf5ded95c45bc4fbe0bfd195902c25f286119cf54501de64a2f082a69ea0ca55968175a
-AUX epm-1.40-prefix.patch 1293 BLAKE2B 6d835610fce455f6089867b2fd7e959b5dffff07f72a96a9a8a2be3fb4033822967098e32f859b836c25cc8d463b9ae950a7337f65c261ceb538a0dac14a842c SHA512 877204c75356b36df74ace94fe26a09f598448cbf502b7d65fec9d4b142368c4734e16807e5e4706671d8a59bc7db09811166f422d43d74a40fae5ff65e8c256
-EBUILD epm-1.40.ebuild 685 BLAKE2B dfbc1a2976dda5d0faa61f67270b8fca7a2bb896e3f0df7e8db3b051e5d5be9abd33719c541d9920d2523e7a354088a930cb25aed31f994c28e173212d27941d SHA512 6748213202ea91766c4f6553c855ffb58b858cb1c2b9f15a333d1d4a8989abd41a1f950d7bf2f083b56034dffd7d9b54863255342b0aaa4ac87f428a3b990bf9
+EBUILD epm-1.40.ebuild 690 BLAKE2B 3cd3801a8c5d0e2ade16aedff750d04f74dc722ac6bb7636f3835149a698fe207bb5088ad439b187e7d2be3239dfb31cd80cd115718be44f918c238a12003fe0 SHA512 448255e414e1e1ee7c6dcf23df0c402e2357d229203e647c8d4febadce0404150678a555353683c8cd4d7efdae8f63da99253de0906ff25ba450ae67c6b4df42
+MISC metadata.xml 393 BLAKE2B f1c6aa07ae620676ab1de3216cdd0308a06ad0c8e051c794ae99ff18d8d6edf57e93e85bd2c21be0b7f3068496cbe1e6cfbb424577e91250b7cf52903507aecc SHA512 b1e35d023dccd233d1cea5b83005ccc0b5746fb12fe634f447f18a1a8d26ce91bac14ff55b16f3179e9bd13e2084de9f65894df9e6d21855e88965a707e58b26
diff --git a/app-portage/epm/epm-1.40.ebuild b/app-portage/epm/epm-1.40.ebuild
index a407502..f840603 100644
--- a/app-portage/epm/epm-1.40.ebuild
+++ b/app-portage/epm/epm-1.40.ebuild
@@ -1,31 +1,28 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils prefix
+inherit git-r3 prefix
DESCRIPTION="rpm workalike for Gentoo Linux"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm hppa ia64 ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86"
- "${FILESDIR}/${P}-prefix.patch"
src_unpack() {
- :
+ git-r3_src_unpack
src_prepare() {
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/epm "${S}"/epm
eprefixify epm
diff --git a/app-portage/epm/files/epm b/app-portage/epm/files/epm
deleted file mode 100644
index 29d3d2f..0000000
--- a/app-portage/epm/files/epm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,984 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -wI.
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Cwd qw(abs_path);
-# Global vars
-my $version = "EPM version 1.40";
-my $verbose = 0;
-my $dbpath = '/var/db/pkg';
-my $pkgregex =
- '^.+?\/'. # group (ignored)
- '(.+?)'. # name
- '-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*\w*)'. # version, eg 1.23.4a
- '((?:(?:_alpha|_beta|_pre|_rc)\d*)?)'. # special suffix
- '((?:-r\d+)?)$'; # revision, eg r12
-my $root = '/';
-my %opt = (
- 'dbpath' => \$dbpath,
- 'root' => \$root,
- 'v' => \$verbose,
-my $exitcode = 0;
-sub verb
- print STDERR map "-- $_\n", @_ if $verbose;
-sub vverb
- print STDERR map "-- $_\n", @_ if $verbose > 1;
-# @dgrps contains a list of all the groups at dbpath
-# @dpkgs contains a list of all the packages at dbpath/@dgrps
-# %dnampkg contains a mapping of nam=>@pkg (libxml=>[libxml-1.8.13])
-# %dfilepkg is a mapping of filename=>@pkg
-my (@dgrps, @dpkgs, %dnampkg);
-sub load_database()
- # Check if the database is already loaded
- return if @dgrps;
- # Read all groups in the db (except for virtual)
- opendir D, $dbpath or
- die "epm: Database not found at $dbpath\n";
- @dgrps = grep {-d "$dbpath/$_" && !/^\./ && $_ ne 'virtual'} readdir D;
- closedir D;
- verb "read ".@dgrps." groups from $dbpath"; vverb @dgrps;
- # Read all pkgs in the db (except for virtual)
- for my $g (@dgrps) {
- opendir D, "$dbpath/$g" or
- die "epm: Error reading directory $dbpath/$g\n";
- my @dp = grep { !/^\./ &&
- -d "$dbpath/$g/$_" &&
- !-f "$dbpath/$g/$_/VIRTUAL" } readdir D;
- @dp = map $g."/".$_, @dp;
- verb "read ".@dp." pkgs in group $g"; vverb @dp;
- push @dpkgs, @dp;
- }
- # Create association of names => pkgs
- for my $p (@dpkgs) {
- $p =~ /$pkgregex/o || $p =~ /^virtual/ ||
- die "epm: Could't parse name/version/suffix/rev from $p";
- # $2, $3, $4 aren't used right now, but they're in the regex
- # for the sake of completeness.
- push @{$dnampkg{$1}}, $p;
- }
-sub cmppkg($$)
- my ($p1, $p2) = (shift, shift);
- # Remove the group from the beginning
- $p1 =~ s#.*/##;
- $p2 =~ s#.*/##;
- # Apply the regex
- # [0] = name, [1] = version, [2] = special suffix, [3] = revision
- my (@p1) = ($p1 =~ /$pkgregex/o);
- die "epm: Couldn't parse name/version/suffix/rev from $p1" unless @p1;
- my (@p2) = ($p2 =~ /$pkgregex/o);
- die "epm: Couldn't parse name/version/suffix/rev from $p2" unless @p2;
- #
- # Compare VERSION (element 1)
- #
- # Split on .
- my (@v1) = split /\./, $p1[1];
- my (@v2) = split /\./, $p2[1];
- # Make trailing letters their own element in the array
- if ($v1[-1] =~ s/[a-z]+$//) { push @v1, $& }
- if ($v2[-1] =~ s/[a-z]+$//) { push @v1, $& }
- # Compare each element in turn
- for (my $i = 0; $i < @v1 && $i < @v2; $i++) {
- if ($v1[$i] =~ /^\d+$/) {
- if ($v2[$i] =~ /^\d+$/) {
- if ($v1[$i] != $v2[$i]) {
- # 2 <=> 3
- return $v1[$i] <=> $v2[$i];
- } else {
- # 2 == 2
- next; # 2 == 2
- }
- } else {
- # 1.2.1 is newer than 1.2a
- return -1;
- }
- } elsif ($v2[$i] =~ /^\d+$/) {
- # 1.2a is older than 1.2.1
- return 1;
- } elsif ($i != $#v1 || $i != $#v2) {
- # 1.2a.3 is not a legal version
- die "Error in comparing versions: $p1 vs. $p2";
- } elsif ($v1[$i] ne $v2[$i]) {
- # 1.2a <=> 1.2c
- return $v1[$i] cmp $v2[$i];
- }
- # These elements are equal, just continue
- }
- #
- # Compare SPECIAL SUFFIX (element 2)
- #
- #
- if ($p1[2] eq '' && $p2[2] ne '') {
- # 1.2 is newer than 1.2_pre1
- return 1;
- } elsif ($p1[2] ne '' && $p2[2] eq '') {
- # 1.2_pre1 is older than 1.2
- return -1;
- } elsif ($p1[2] ne '' && $p2[2] ne '') {
- my (%sufs) = qw/p 0 alpha 1 beta 2 pre 3 rc 4/;
- die "Illegal suffix in $p1" unless defined $sufs{$p1[2]};
- die "Illegal suffix in $p2" unless defined $sufs{$p2[2]};
- }
- # This isn't finished. What was I doing here?
-# Utility function to sum the size of a package on the filesystem
-# in bytes
-sub pkg_bytes($)
- my ($p) = @_;
- my $total = 0;
- $CONTENTS = "$dbpath/$p/CONTENTS";
- open F, "<$CONTENTS" or die "epm: Can't open $CONTENTS\n"
- or die "epm: Can't open $CONTENTS: $!\n";
- for my $f (grep /^obj/, <F>) {
- $f =~ s/^obj (.+) \w+ \d+\s*$/$1/;
- my ($size) = (stat($f))[7];
- next unless $size;
- verb "Adding $f ($size bytes)";
- $total += $size;
- }
- close F;
- return $total;
-# Utility function to do -qi
-sub query_info($)
- my ($p) = @_;
- my ($group, $ename) = $p =~ /^(.+?)\/(.+)$/;
- my ($key, $value);
- my $ldbpath = "$dbpath/$p";
- my $fmt = <<EOT;
-Name : \%s
-Version : \%s
-Release : \%-28s Slot: \%s
-Install date: \%-28s Build Host: \%s
-Group : \%-28s License: \%s
-Size : \%s
-Packager : \%s
-URL : \%s
-Summary : \%s
- # Extract some information from files stored in the Portage pkgdb
- open(F, "bzcat $ldbpath/environment.bz2|")
- or die "epm: Can't open $ldbpath/environment.bz2: $!\n";
- while (<F>) {
- next unless (/^(?:declare\s+(?:-[x-]\s+)*)?(CATEGORY|HOSTNAME|DESCRIPTION|HOMEPAGE|LICENSE|PN|PR|PV|SLOT)=(.*)/);
- ($key, $value) = ($1, $2);
- if ($key eq 'PN') {
- $key = 'NAME';
- } elsif ($key eq 'PR') {
- $key = 'RELEASE';
- $value =~ s/^r0?//o;
- } elsif ($key eq 'PV') {
- $key = 'VERSION';
- } elsif ($key eq 'HOMEPAGE') {
- $key = 'URL';
- $value = '(none)' unless $value;
- }
- # Clean up the double and single quotes
- $value =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/o;
- $value =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/o;
- $value =~ s/'\\''/'/go;
- $value =~ s/\\"/"/go;
- $vals{$key} = $value;
- }
- close(F);
- # When was this last built/installed?
- $vals{'DATE'} = localtime((stat "$ldbpath/USE")[9]);
- # Calculate the SIZE for the files it uses on the filesystem
- $vals{'SIZE'} = $opt{'nosize'} ? '' : pkg_bytes($p);
- # Extract the packager and description from the ebuild itself
- open(F, "$ldbpath/$ename.ebuild")
- or die "epm: Can't open $ldbpath/$p.ebuild: $!\n";
- while (<F>) {
- if (/Header:.*:\d\d (\w+)/o) {
- $vals{'PACKAGER'} = $1;
- last;
- }
- }
- close(F);
- printf $fmt, $vals{'NAME'}, $vals{'VERSION'}, $vals{'RELEASE'},
- $vals{'SLOT'}, $vals{'DATE'}, $vals{'HOSTNAME'}, $group,
- $vals{'LICENSE'}, $vals{'SIZE'}, $vals{'PACKAGER'}, $vals{'URL'},
- $vals{'DESCRIPTION'};
-# Utility function to do -ql
-sub query_list($)
- my ($p) = @_;
- my ($CONTENTS) = "$dbpath/$p/CONTENTS";
- my (@files);
- open F, "<$CONTENTS" || die "epm: Can't open $CONTENTS\n";
- @files = <F>;
- close F;
- # Look up CONFIG_PROTECT if -c
- if ($opt{'c'}) {
- # Read in CONFIG_PROTECT from /etc/make.{global,conf}
- my (@CONFIG_PROTECT) = split ' ',
- `. /etc/make.globals; . /etc/make.conf; echo \$CONFIG_PROTECT`;
- die "CONFIG_PROTECT is empty" unless @CONFIG_PROTECT;
- my ($confprotre) = join '|', @CONFIG_PROTECT;
- @files = grep {
- (split ' ', $_, 2)[1] =~ /^($confprotre)/o } @files;
- }
- # Trim @files if doc files requested
- if ($opt{'d'}) {
- # We don't have a variable like CONFIG_PROTECT to work
- # with, so just fake it... :-)
- @files = grep {
- (split ' ', $_, 2)[1] =~ m/\/(?:doc|man|info)\//o } @files;
- }
- # If this is a dump query, then print the entire array
- if ($opt{'dump'}) {
- print @files;
- } else {
- print grep {
- s{^obj (.+?)(?:/\.keep[^\s/]*)? \w+ \d+\s*?}{$1} ||
- s{^sym (\S.*?) -> .*$}{$1} } @files;
- }
-# Utility function to do -qf
-sub query_file(@)
- my (@pkgs) = @_;
- # Search through CONTENTS for elements in ARGV. Building an
- # index would be bad because it would be HUGE.
- for my $a (@ARGV) {
- my $found = 0;
- my $origa = $a;
- # Try to get the absolute path before searching
- $a = abs_path($a) || $a;
- # TODO: stat the file here so that we can determine later
- # what package the file currently belongs to
- for my $p (@dpkgs) {
- my $CONTENTS = "$dbpath/$p/CONTENTS";
- unless (-s $CONTENTS) {
- verb "skipping empty/nonexistent $CONTENTS";
- next;
- }
- open F, "<$CONTENTS" or die "epm: Can't open $CONTENTS\n";
- # Check this list of files for the current query
- while (my $f = <F>) {
- chomp($f);
- $f =~ s/^dir // or
- $f =~ s/^obj (.+) \w+ \d+\s*$/$1/ or
- $f =~ s/^sym (\S.*?) -> .*$/$1/ or next;
- next unless $f eq $a;
- $found = 1;
- push @pkgs, $p;
- }
- close F;
- }
- unless ($found) {
- if (-e $a) { print "file $origa is not owned by any package\n"; }
- else { print "file $origa: No such file or directory\n"; }
- $exitcode = 1;
- }
- }
- return @pkgs;
-# Utility function to do -V
-sub verify($)
- my ($p) = @_;
- my ($CONTENTS) = "$dbpath/$p/CONTENTS";
- verb "verifying $p";
- # CONTENTS consists of lines such as
- # dir /usr/bin
- # obj /usr/bin/qpkg e4a2da62aabb399c537ea9fa92b5af29 1034786384
- open F, "<$CONTENTS" || die "epm: Can't open $CONTENTS\n";
- # Verify directories and files
- # XXX should label config files with 'c'
- while ($f = <F>) {
- chomp($f);
- if ($f =~ /^obj (.+) (\w+) (\d+)\s*$/o) {
- my ($Cname, $Cmd5, $Cmtime) = ($1, $2, $3);
- my ($md5, $mtime);
- vverb "$Cname: $Cmd5 $Cmtime";
- if (! -f $Cname) {
- print "missing $Cname\n" unless ($opt{'nofiles'});
- next;
- }
- unless ($opt{'nomd5'}) {
- if (-r _) {
- ($md5 = `md5sum "$Cname"`) =~ s/\s.*//s;
- } else {
- $md5 = 'UNKNOWN';
- }
- # only report this if it's calculated.
- vverb "Md5 is $md5 for $Cname";
- }
- $mtime = (stat _)[9];
- vverb "Mtime is $mtime for $Cname";
- # XXX size, device, user, group, and mode are not checked... :-(
- next if (($opt{'nomd5'} or $md5 eq $Cmd5) and $mtime eq $Cmtime);
- printf "..%s....%s %s\n",
- ($md5 ne $Cmd5) ? ($md5 eq 'UNKNOWN') ? '?' : '5' : '.',
- ($mtime ne $Cmtime) ? 'T' : '.', $Cname;
- if ($md5 ne $Cmd5) { $exitcode = 1; }
- next;
- }
- if ($f =~ /^dir (.+)/o) {
- print "missing $1\n" unless (-d $1 or $opt{'nofiles'});
- next;
- }
- if ($f =~/^sym (.+) -> (.+) (\d+)$/o) {
- my ($Cname, $Clink, $Cmtime) = ($1, $2, $3);
- my ($link, $mtime);
- my ($modeok);
- if (! -e $Cname) {
- print "missing $Cname\n" unless ($opt{'nofiles'});
- next;
- }
- vverb "$Cname -> $Clink $Cmtime";
- $mtime = (stat $Cname)[9];
- if (-l $Cname) {
- $modeok = 1;
- $link = readlink($Cname);
- } else {
- $modeok = 0;
- $link = '';
- }
- next if ($modeok
- and defined ($link)
- and $Clink eq $link
- and defined ($mtime)
- and $Cmtime eq $mtime);
- printf ".%s..%s..%s %s\n",
- $modeok ? '.' : 'M',
- defined($link) ? ($Clink ne $link) ? 'L' : '.' : '?',
- defined($mtime) ? ($Cmtime ne $mtime) ? 'T' : '.' : '?',
- $Cname;
- next;
- }
- # XXX presently ignoring devices
- }
- close F;
-sub query()
- verb "query mode";
- verb "actually Verify mode" if $opt{'V'};
- # Load the database which is needed for query mode
- load_database();
- my (@pkgs); # list of packages being queried
- # Package-based query (how does this work with emerge?)
- if ($opt{'p'}) {
- die "epm: Sorry, package-based query not yet supported\n";
- }
- # Implied -l similar to rpm
- $opt{'dump'} and $opt{'l'} = 1;
- $opt{'d'} and $opt{'l'} = 1;
- $opt{'c'} and $opt{'l'} = 1;
- # File-based query
- if ($opt{'f'}) {
- @pkgs = query_file(@pkgs);
- @ARGV = (); # Clear out ARGV so queries below don't get confused
- }
- # Group-based query
- # Note that if -qfg specified, then rpm prioritizes -qf over -qg,
- # so we do too.
- elsif ($opt{'g'}) {
- for my $a (@ARGV) {
- verb "checking for packages in group $a";
- my @l = grep /^$a\//, @dpkgs;
- vverb "packages in group $a:";
- vverb " ", join "\n ", @l;
- unless (@l) {
- print "group $a does not contain any packages\n";
- $exitcode = 1;
- }
- push @pkgs, @l;
- }
- @ARGV = (); # Clear out ARGV so queries below don't get confused
- }
- # Query on all packages
- if ($opt{'a'}) {
- die "epm: extra arguments given for query of all packages\n" if @ARGV;
- @pkgs = @dpkgs;
- }
- elsif (@pkgs) {
- # must have been populated by, for instance, -qf
- }
- else {
- USERARG: for my $a (@ARGV) {
- if ($a =~ /$pkgregex/o) {
- verb "$a matches pkgregex";
- vverb "name=$1, version=$2, suffix=$3, revision=$4";
- # user has asked for specific version, check if any
- # installed version matches
- for my $pver (@{$dnampkg{$1}}) {
- vverb "found version: $pver";
- if ($pver eq $a) {
- push @pkgs, $a;
- next USERARG;
- }
- }
- }
- if (defined $dnampkg{$a}) {
- verb "$a found in dnampkg";
- vverb @{$dnampkg{$a}};
- push @pkgs, @{$dnampkg{$a}};
- next;
- }
- print "package $a is not installed\n";
- next;
- }
- }
- # Sort package order, by reverse mtime
- if ($opt{'last'}) {
- my %mtimes;
- @pkgs = sort {
- # When was this last built/installed?
- unless (exists $mtimes{$a}) {
- $mtimes{$a} = (stat "$dbpath/$a")[9];
- vverb "$a = $mtimes{$a}";
- }
- unless (exists $mtimes{$b}) {
- $mtimes{$b} = (stat "$dbpath/$b")[9];
- vverb "$b = $mtimes{$b}";
- }
- $mtimes{$b} <=> $mtimes{$a} or $a cmp $b;
- } @pkgs;
- }
- for my $p (@pkgs) {
- # Verify package
- if ($opt{'V'}) { verify($p); next; }
- # Information query
- query_info($p) if $opt{'i'};
- # File listing...
- # We allow this to chain after query_info because rpm allows it.
- query_list($p) if $opt{'l'};
- # If not another type of listing, then simply list the packages
- if (!$opt{'l'} && !$opt{'i'}) {
- # If doing -qS, then include the size in kb, like ls -s
- printf "%6d ", int(pkg_bytes($p)/1000) if $opt{'S'};
- # If doing -qG, then include the group name
- if ($opt{'G'}) {
- print "$p\n";
- } else {
- ($nogrp) = $p =~ /^.+?\/(.+)$/;
- print "$nogrp\n";
- }
- }
- }
-sub erase()
- my (@cmd);
- verb "erase mode";
- verb "(testing)" if $opt{'test'};
- # Catch empty command-line
- die "epm: no packages given for uninstall\n" unless @ARGV;
- # Must be root to erase; rpm just lets permissions slide but I don't
- if ($> != 0) {
- print STDERR "Must be root to remove packages from the system\n";
- $exitcode = 1;
- return;
- }
- # There's no point implementing erase here. Might as well just
- # use existing portage features. This means that we do
- # --allmatches by default.
- @cmd = qw(emerge --unmerge);
- push @cmd, '--pretend' if $opt{'test'};
- push @cmd, '--quiet' unless $opt{'verbose'};
- push @cmd, @ARGV;
- system(@cmd);
- die "epm: Fatal error running emerge\n" if $?;
-# Syntax string for errors
-my $syntax = <<EOT;
-Copyright (C) 2001-2003 - Aron Griffis
-This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2
-'*' leading an option indicates not-yet-implemented
- --help - print this message
- *--version - print the version of rpm being used
- All modes support the following arguments:
- -v - be a little more verbose
- -vv - be incredibly verbose (for debugging)
- -q, --query - query mode
- --dbpath <dir> - use <dir> as the directory for the database
- --root <dir> - use <dir> as the top level directory
- --last - list package(s) by install time, most
- recent first
- Package specification options:
- -a, --all - query all packages
- -f <file>+ - query package owning <file>
- *-p <packagefile>+ - query (uninstalled) package <packagefile>
- *--triggeredby <pkg> - query packages triggered by <pkg>
- *--whatprovides <cap> - query packages which provide <cap> capability
- *--whatrequires <cap> - query packages which require <cap> capability
- -g <group>+ --group <group>+ - query packages in group <group>
- Information selection options:
- -i, --info - display package information
- --nosize - don't display size in info output (not in rpm)
- -l - display package file list
- -G, --showgroup - display group name in output (not in rpm)
- -S, --size - display package size in output (not in rpm)
- -d - list only documentation files (implies -l)
- -c - list only configuration files (implies -l)
- --dump - show all verifiable information for each file
- (must be used with -l, -c, or -d)
- *--provides - list capabilities package provides
- *-R, --requires - list package dependencies
- *--scripts - print the various [un]install scripts
- --erase <package>
- -e <package> - erase (uninstall) package
- --allmatches - remove all packages which match <package>
- (unlike rpm, this is the default)
- --dbpath <dir> - use <dir> as the directory for the database
- *--justdb - update the database, but do not modify the
- filesystem
- *--nodeps - do not verify package dependencies
- *--noorder - do not reorder package installation to satisfy
- dependencies
- *--noscripts - do not execute any package specific scripts
- *--notriggers - don't execute any scripts triggered by this
- package
- --root <dir> - use <dir> as the top level directory
- --test - don't uninstall, but tell what would happen
- -V, -y, --verify - verify a package installation using the same
- package specification options as -q
- --dbpath <dir> - use <dir> as the directory for the database
- *--root <dir> - use <dir> as the top level directory
- *--nodeps - do not verify package dependencies
- *--nomd5 - do not verify file md5 checksums
- *--nofiles - do not verify file attributes
-# Allow bundling of options since rpm does
-Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
-# Parse the options on the cmdline. Put the short versions first in
-# each optionstring so that the hash keys are created using the short
-# versions. For example, use 'q|query', not 'query|q'.
-my $result = GetOptions(
- \%opt,
- 'help', # help message
- 'version', # version message
- 'v+', # verbose, more v's for more verbosity
- 'q|query', # query mode
- 'dbpath=s', # use <dir> as the directory for the database
- 'root=s', # use <dir> as the top level directory
- 'last', # order package listing by most recent install first
- # Package specification options:
- 'a|all', # query all packages
- 'f', # query package owning file(s)
- 'p', # query (uninstalled) package
- 'g|group', # query packages in group(s)
- 'whatprovides', # query packages which provide capability
- 'whatrequires', # query packages which require capability
- # Information selection options:
- 'i|info', # display package information
- 'nosize', # don't display size in info output
- 'l', # display package file list
- 'd', # list documentation files (implies -l)
- 'c', # list configuration files (implies -l)
- 'dump', # show all verifiable information for each file
- # (must be used with -l, -c, or -d)
- 'R|requires', # list package dependencies
- 'scripts', # print the various [un]install scripts
- 'G|showgroup', # include group name in output
- 'S|size', # display package size
- 'e|erase', # erase mode
- 'allmatches', # remove all packages which match <package>
- 'test', # don't uninstall, but tell what would happen
- 'V|y|verify', # verify a package installation using the same
- # package specification options as -q
- 'nodeps', # do not verify package dependencies
- 'nomd5', # do not verify file md5 checksums
- 'nofiles', # do not verify file attributes
-# Handle help message
-if ($opt{'help'}) { print $syntax; exit 0 }
-if ($opt{'version'}) { print "$version\n"; exit 0 }
-# Determine which mode we're running in; make sure it's valid.
-# (q)uery
-# (V)erify
-# (U)pgrade
-# (e)rase
-# (b)uild
-# other
-if ((defined $opt{'q'} || 0) +
- (defined $opt{'V'} || 0) +
- (defined $opt{'U'} || 0) +
- (defined $opt{'e'} || 0) +
- (defined $opt{'b'} || 0) != 1) {
- die "$syntax\nOne mode required, and only one mode allowed\n";
-# Query mode
-if ($opt{'q'} || $opt{'V'}) { query(); exit $exitcode }
-if ($opt{'e'}) { erase(); exit $exitcode }
-# Other modes not implemented yet
-die "epm: Sorry, this mode isn't implemented yet. Check back later! :-)\n";
-# Revision 1.4.0 2013-01-23 p2w
-# Fix -qi (bug 310475).
-# New maintainer.
-# Revert the change of v1.33, fix others problems with -qf (Gentoo bugs 93843 and 153921)
-# Revision 1.33 2006/09/13 15:09:19 agriffis
-# Treat dirs the same in -qf as in -ql
-# Revision 1.32 2006/09/13 15:04:49 agriffis
-# Revert 1.30. Listing all intermediate dirs up to a file isn't useful, and doesn't match rpm. Only list dirs that contain .keep files
-# Revision 1.31 2006/09/08 19:35:22 agriffis
-# Switch to cvs-based versioning. Add --version option. Add --last option, based on patch submitted by Tim Stotts #138679
-# Revision 1.30 2006/04/04 21:07:07 mr_bones_
-# display directories as well as files and symlinks when doing query list (-ql)
-# This matches what rpm does. Reported by Steven Elling via Gentoo bugzilla:
-# Revision 1.29 2006/03/15 21:49:48 agriffis
-# Leave Size blank instead of n/a when --nosize given
-# Revision 1.28 2006/03/15 21:43:23 agriffis
-# Add --nosize option
-# Revision 1.27 2005/08/29 13:32:35 kanaka
-# Update version to 0.9.0
-# Revision 1.26 2005/08/25 22:03:59 mr_bones_
-# -i is implemented so remove the * from the usage message. (reported by agriffis)
-# Revision 1.25 2005/08/16 20:39:16 kanaka
-# Fix broken regex during file list query
-# Revision 1.24 2005/08/15 20:37:14 kanaka
-# Fix situation where package group is different, but name and version are the same (i.e. crossdev)
-# Revision 1.23 2005/07/05 20:01:36 mr_bones_
-# pass --quiet to emerge when performing -e (erase) to be more like rpm
-# Revision 1.22 2005/06/22 05:28:24 mr_bones_
-# Print out usage if user didn't get the mode specified correctly.
-# Suggested by Tristan Cebulla in
-# Revision 1.21 2005/05/18 05:30:14 mr_bones_
-# fix silly check for empty HOMEPAGE
-# Revision 1.20 2005/05/16 03:15:26 mr_bones_
-# Make all the regexs that match the obj lines from CONTENTS be the same.
-# Revision 1.19 2005/05/14 23:50:33 mr_bones_
-# remove "use epm". guessing that was an idea that never materialized
-# Revision 1.18 2005/05/14 23:48:48 mr_bones_
-# Added support for --nofiles in verify() - rpm man page claims it only
-# suppresses reports of missing files. epm suppresses all "missing" reporting
-# if --nofiles is given.
-# Added support for --nomd5 in verify(); fixed up bare word in output.
-# Added initial support for symlinks in verify().
-# Revision 1.17 2005/05/14 22:24:12 mr_bones_
-# no reason to read CONTENTS into memory in query_file(). Modified to read
-# line at a time.
-# Revision 1.16 2005/05/14 22:21:46 mr_bones_
-# Make output more similar to rpm by changing "Description" to "Summary"
-# in output. Maybe at some point the extended description from metadata.xml
-# will be stored in portage and can be extracted then by epm for Description.
-# Also changed "Build Host" from CHOST to HOSTNAME.
-# Modified to read environment.bz2 instead of the ebuild for some values.
-# This is more reliable because environment.bz2 is the state after ebuild
-# and eclass processing. Epm was confused by ebuilds that have the HOMEPAGE
-# and DESCRIPTION in an eclass. (eg. xmms-mpg123)
-# Fixed up display of values that contain double and single quotes
-# (eg. libmad)
-# Added error checking for open()
-# Revision 1.15 2005/05/14 21:55:25 mr_bones_
-# Pass long option (--unmerge) to emerge instead of short option (-C)
-# for better readability.
-# Revision 1.14 2005/05/14 21:47:51 mr_bones_
-# fix bug in pkg_bytes() where files with whitespace in their name would
-# cause incorrect behavior.
-# Revision 1.13 2005/05/14 21:38:10 mr_bones_
-# prototype functions
-# Revision 1.12 2005/05/14 21:30:44 mr_bones_
-# Use correct variable in error message ($p -> $p1/$p2)
-# Revision 1.11 2005/05/14 20:54:19 mr_bones_
-# Trim trailing whitespace
-# Revision 1.10 2005/05/13 20:47:44 agriffis
-# epm-0.8.8
-# Revision 1.20 2004/04/28 13:22:41 agriffis
-# - Fix printing of symlinks in -ql to exclude link target
-# Revision 1.19 2004/04/05 04:37:46 agriffis
-# - Add patch from Michael Sterret in bug 45927 to handle whitespace
-# in filenames
-# Revision 1.18 2004/03/29 16:47:34 agriffis
-# Fix bug 45927: Handle filenames with spaces correctly
-# Update version to 0.8.6
-# Revision 1.17 2004/03/08 23:23:39 agriffis
-# - Update to 0.8.5
-# Revision 1.16 2004/03/08 23:21:46 agriffis
-# - Added size option to -qi and -qS
-# - Thanks to Bram Dumolin ( for the idea and
-# an initial effort at the code
-# Revision 1.15 2003/05/27 01:36:01 agriffis
-# - Update to 0.8.4
-# Revision 1.14 2003/05/27 01:33:41 agriffis
-# - Include patch from Michael Sterrett <> to display URL
-# in -qi output
-# Revision 1.13 2003/05/02 02:00:22 agriffis
-# - Update to 0.8.3
-# - Check if file exists to choose error message for -qf
-# Revision 1.12 2003/05/01 02:42:39 agriffis
-# - Add man-page in pod format inside epm
-# Revision 1.11 2003/05/01 01:53:09 agriffis
-# - Update version to 0.8.2; forgot to checkin 0.8.1
-# - Fix bug 8832: Add code to determine full path for epm -qf.
-# Reported by Bill Gjestvang, patch provided by Wayne Davison.
-# - Fix bug 12798: Fix -V output for unreadable files
-# Reported and patched by Wayne Davison.
-# - Fix bug 19806: Need double-quotes to interpret \n on die message
-# Reported and patched by Scott Hunt
-# - Fix bug 19681: Check for requested version on epm -q.
-# Reported by Neil McCalden, patch provided by Wayne Davison.
-# Revision 1.10 2002/10/22 13:55:00 agriffis
-# - Fix version reporting in help message
-# - Fix unmerging to use -C instead of non-existent --unmerge
-# Revision 1.9 2002/10/22 13:48:47 agriffis
-# - Fixed erase -e to do something when not --test
-# Revision 1.8 2002/10/22 13:44:08 agriffis
-# - Fix bug in -qa which listed too many packages
-# Revision 1.7 2002/10/22 13:31:47 agriffis
-# - Split out query types into separate functions
-# - Add sub cmppkg which was for --update but might be abandoned
-# - Add information query -qi
-# - Add first-pass verification -V
-# - Change erase -e to use emerge (which maintains world)
-=head1 NAME
-epm - rpm workalike for Gentoo
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-epm { -eqVy | --erase | --help | --query | --verify } options...
-This tool provides a Gentoo query tool for users familiar with Red
-Hat's "rpm" package manager. In particular, it can query, verify, and
-erase packages from the system. I've tried to make it act as much
-like rpm as possible, but there are some differences made necessary by
-the differences in the distributions.
-Querying and verifying are the most powerful features of epm. Erase
-mode is really just a gate to "emerge -C", but force of habit makes it
-easier for me to type "epm -e".
-=head1 MODES
-=item B<-q --query>
-Query mode, for querying either the list of installed packages or the
-files owned by a package.
-=item B<-V -y --verify>
-Verify mode, for determining the integrity of an installed package
-using timestamps and md5 sums. Size, device, user, group, and mode
-are not presently checked.
-=item B<-e --erase>
-Erase mode, for removing packages from the system. Specify a package
-by version to remove a specific package. Specify a package by name to
-remove all versions (i.e. --allmatches is the default for epm, this is
-a difference from rpm).
-=item B<--help>
-This isn't really a mode, but it's the only thing you can do without
-otherwise specifying a mode. Run "epm --help" to see the
-comprehensive list of options available for each mode.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-To find out if vim is installed:
- $ epm -q vim
- vim-6.2_pre2
-To include the group in the output:
- $ epm -qG vim
- app-editors/vim-6.2_pre2
-To see what binaries vim installs:
- $ epm -ql vim | grep bin
- /usr/bin/ex
- /usr/bin/vim
- /usr/bin/rvim
- /usr/bin/view
- /usr/bin/rview
- /usr/bin/vimdiff
-To find what package owns /usr/bin/vim
- $ epm -qf /usr/bin/vim
- vim-6.2_pre2
-To verify your installation of vim:
- $ epm -V vim
-No output indicates the installation is fine. If you get some other
-output when you verify a package installation, try the following link
-for an explanation.
-To show all vim related packages on the system:
- $ epm -qa | grep vim
- vim-core-6.2_pre2
- vim-6.2_pre2
- gvim-6.2_pre2
-=head1 NOTES
-This tool was written by Aron Griffis. Currently, Peter Weilbacher
-<> tries to maintain it.
-It will probably blow up your computer, but it works well enough for
-me. If you report bugs at, assigned to Peter,
-they might get fixed. Your chances increase a lot if you include a
-good patch.
diff --git a/app-portage/epm/files/epm-1.40-prefix.patch b/app-portage/epm/files/epm-1.40-prefix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 957a5cb..0000000
--- a/app-portage/epm/files/epm-1.40-prefix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
---- epm.orig 2012-12-27 21:21:51.288350173 -0700
-+++ epm 2012-12-27 21:26:51.429905384 -0700
-@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
- # Global vars
- (my $version = '$Revision: 1.2 $') =~ s/.*?(\d.*\d).*/EPM version $1/;
- my $verbose = 0;
--my $dbpath = '/var/db/pkg';
-+my $dbpath = '@GENTOO_PORTAGE_EPREFIX@/var/db/pkg';
- my $pkgregex =
- '^.+?\/'. # group (ignored)
- '(.+?)'. # name
- '-(\d+(?:\.\d+)*\w*)'. # version, eg 1.23.4a
- '((?:(?:_alpha|_beta|_pre|_rc)\d*)?)'. # special suffix
-- '((?:-r\d+)?)$'; # revision, eg r12
-+ '((?:-r\d+)?(?:\.\d+)?)$'; # revision, eg r12 or r01.1
- my $root = '/';
- my %opt = (
- 'dbpath' => \$dbpath,
-@@ -267,11 +267,11 @@
- if ($opt{'c'}) {
- # Read in CONFIG_PROTECT from /etc/make.{global,conf}
- my (@CONFIG_PROTECT) = split ' ',
-- `. /etc/make.globals; . /etc/make.conf; echo \$CONFIG_PROTECT`;
-+ `. @GENTOO_PORTAGE_EPREFIX@/etc/make.globals; . @GENTOO_PORTAGE_EPREFIX@/etc/make.conf; echo \$CONFIG_PROTECT`;
- die "CONFIG_PROTECT is empty" unless @CONFIG_PROTECT;
- my ($confprotre) = join '|', @CONFIG_PROTECT;
- @files = grep {
-- (split ' ', $_, 2)[1] =~ /^($confprotre)/o } @files;
-+ (split ' ', $_, 2)[1] =~ m!^@GENTOO_PORTAGE_EPREFIX@($confprotre)!o } @files;
- }
- # Trim @files if doc files requested
diff --git a/app-portage/epm/metadata.xml b/app-portage/epm/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2734da3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-portage/epm/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <maintainer type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Marcin Deranek</name>
+ </maintainer>
+ <upstream>
+ <bugs-to></bugs-to>
+ <remote-id type="github">fuzzyray/epm</remote-id>
+ </upstream>